Here are some pictures of some things I have made in the past! They are not all great things. The point is to record the process so I could get the photos off my various devices where they have been rotting...


Garden Path

Summer 2023

Check out my record of old projects here and on the sidebar. It's an incomplete record but I wanted the record to be somewhere.

Summer 2023

Bonus: check out my photo galleries (no faces, the internet is full of spiders) here. So many pictures! Finally not on anyone's awful social media! The selfies are still in secret on my harddrive waiting for a less surveilled future.

March 2024

Hey, I added a blog. I seem to be somewhat using this (hooray) It's built with zonelets and it's over here. Eventually this will be integrated much prettier into how I want the site to look (more like this) but I think "actually writing regularly" is a more important goal, and one I'm still building up to.
